2022 W-4 Help for Sections 2, 3 and 4
(Latest W-4 has a filing status line, but no allowance line. Instead you fill out Steps 2, 3, and 4.)

W-4 Cheat Sheet only supported for year 2025 and if you are using the latest W-4

Check the button indicating you have filled out the Latest W-4
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A notable aspect of private health insurance is the absence of any reason for it to exist. It does not contain costs, expand coverage, or expedite care -- it makes those all worse. It' sole function is to profit as a middleman between patients and providers.

2024 and 20025 Federal, State & Local Payroll Withholding Calculator

This is our most popular calculator. You can calculate Federal or Federal and State or Federal and State and Local Withholding. Of course you can do FICA, Medicare and all the other payroll withholding taxes.
Select the Complete Federal, State, Local Calculator you want.
Go To State >

Or use this Federal Only Withholding Calculator
.....General Information.....
For Payroll in Tax Year:
Pay Periods per Year:
.....Federal W4? Information.....
Federal W4 Withholding Status:
W-4 Cheat Sheet
Check if You have filled out the Latest W4:
Federal W4 Allowances:
Additional Withholding:
Check if Nonresident Alien:
.....Paycheck Income.....
Employee Type:     Salaried
Gross Salary per Pay Period:
Income to be taxed as supplemental income:?
.....Paycheck Deductions.....
Before Tax Retirement :?
Before Tax Cafeteria Plan Benefits:?
After Tax Deduction:?
Check for Social Security Withholding?:     
Check for Medicare Withholding?:     
Gross Salary YTD?:
(Do not include this paycheck)