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A notable aspect of private health insurance is the absence of any reason for it to exist. It does not contain costs, expand coverage, or expedite care -- it makes those all worse. It' sole function is to profit as a middleman between patients and providers.

Is Your Car Loan Upside-Down

Generally when you drive a new car off the lot after buying your loan is immediately 'upside down'; meaning you owe more than you could sell it for. Your loan will remain upside down for a considerable period of time. But eventually you will catch up and then your car becomes an asset for you. Use this calculator to determine if your loan is still upside down.
Is Your car worth less than your loan balance? That's called 'upside-down' and you can check with this calculator.
upside down car
Car Information
Car Value at Purchase:
Down Payment Amount:
Original Loan Term (in months):
Monthly Loan Payment:
Month and Year of first payment (mm/dd):
Check box if car was new when you purchased it: