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Retirement Income Calculator
Get a year-by-year projection of your retirement income using this calculator.
Use these buttons to enter information about your retirement.
Basic Information
Social Security Your Savings Your Pension Retirement Job Other Income
The chart below shows your Retirement Income.  
(You haven't entered any information yet, so we are providing some sample data. Start with the 'Basic Information' button to enter your own information.)
This is just an estimate of your annual retirement income. You should consult a retirement specialist for a more exact income figure.
Total retirement income $842,398.69
You have elected retirement before normal Social Security retirement age. We show Social Security benefit reduced to reflect this.While we don't shown this, it is possible that FICA income could be taxed which would reduce your income.
You have elected that your spouse begin Social Security payments before normal Social Security retirement age. We show Social Security benefit reduced to reflect this.
Income from savings adjusted yearly to attempt to meet income target.
Aftertax balance at retirement is $105,574.39.
Total savings remaining at age 95 is $0.00.
Social Security payout does NOT reflect any possible linkage to a Government Pension.
If you have selected a Target Income and we can't reach that for all years, then the highest total retirement payout (including remaining savings) will be used as secondary goal.
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This calculator is provided as a free service.  No guarantee, explicit or implied, is made regarding its' accuracy or suitability to a specific purpose.