Financial Calculators      
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Basic Information Needed to Project Income
You can control when you receive some of your retirement funds. Specifically you can decide when to withdraw savings and you can decide when to start Social Security.  On this page we give you two options.
In the 'Standard' option you decide how much income you want from your savings.  We start withdrawing at the retirement age you specify and also start Social Security income at the age you specify.

In the 'Target Income' option we adjust your starting Social Security age and your saving withdrawals in order to achieve your target income. 
Select one of the two choices for your income goal
With this option you withdraw a fixed amount from your savings starting at Your Retire Age. Enter the fixed dollar amount you want to withdraw each year: $ ?
With this option we automatically adjust Savings and Social Security Income to try to achieve your target income.  Enter your desired annual income:  $ ?
Other Needed Information
Month and year of your birth:
Your Retire Age:
Month and year of spouse birth:
Spouse Retire Age:
Cost of Living Annual Increase to be used in projections: %
Your current tax bracket : ? %
Your projected tax bracket at retirement: ? %